2018 – ‘Encounter’

We had a desire for many years to create a place where people could come and worship and praise Him. It was a call to rebuild the altar of praise and create an environment for people to come, regardless of church background and gather to lift His Name in worship together. We launched Encounter (part of our local church, Father’s House Elim Church – Lancaster) in 2018 and were delighted to hold 4 meetings.
Many people gathered from across the area to enter into His presence, so we could all leave changed and be more like Him, making a difference in lives around us. We had great support from a core group of people who supported us in the praise and worship, and to welcome, cater and encourage a place to praise, pray and prophecy.
Dreams were becoming reality by responses to visions and taking actions at the right time to what He had purposed ‘for such a time as this’. We are encouraged by the early Encounter meetings, and are looking forward to what he wants to do through us and the team in 2019.