Heal Our Land

17697155_sDuring a time of teaching, key words kept resonating in our hearts – ‘Heal Our Land’. This ran deeper than a quick prayer for our city and for the nations. This was a burning within our hearts for lives to be transformed and set free from everything that has held them back. For the people to be released into their destiny and to see their God given dreams come to pass and God’s promises fulfilled in their lives.

‘Heal Our Land’ was written in March of 2014 and introduced to local Church. The heartbeat of the song is a longing deep within for healing into our communities and across the nations. A recognition that this can only be done fully by Him, but that each of us has a part to play to show the difference of a life lived for His glory with no compromise. The desire to be pure and set apart for Him, that we can then be a positive influence on the lives of everyone around us.

Day by day we encounter hurting people, who are lonely, have no hope, have no dream – they’ve lost their sparkle. We can be friends to these people, to encourage, to esteem and to build up with encouraging words and support. Everyone can do something to help someone else. Recently we visited ‘Skid Row’ in Los Angeles where we helped distribute items to the homeless and saw how homeless people help and look out for each other. How much more can we as Christians help and be a friend to those around us? It becomes more than words…it becomes an inner strength to stand and say ‘Yes’, I will be a help to those in need, and to take action to back up the words.

In Ezekiel chapter 37 verses 4-10, we read about the valley of dry bones. Where there once was a mighty army ready for war, now lay the remains of bones. Our vision of what is before us can determine our actions and future. Ezekiel saw an army, not death. He saw people ready for moving forward, not going back. ‘Let dry bones live again’ is a declaration that where there is death, dryness and hopelessness, there can be fresh hope.  When God breathes on us into those areas that have become dead, He causes us to be refreshed and to come alive.

We believe it is God’s desire to heal in body, mind and spirit. The Bible tells us, (Hebrews chapter 13 verse 8) ‘He’s the same yesterday, today and forever.’ and His Word never changes. ‘I am healed in Jesus Name’ is a declaration that we believe in the promises of God to us His children, regardless of what sickness or circumstances we are going through it is His desire to bring healing and wholeness. (Isaiah chapter 53 verse 5 and 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 24.) ‘By His stripes we are healed or made whole’.

We pray you’ll be blessed by the words of this song and impact the lives you meet.
